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Learning from Home

Students and parents have access to online learning tasks for students to complete during the closure period. Bespoke lessons and learning activities for your child can be found in their Google classroom. Please follow this link and add the login details:

User guides are available here:

We know at Woodside that each child is an individual and requires a bespoke approach to learning. Every virtual classroom contains personalised learning tailored to your child in line with what would be provided face-to-face. Children and families are also supported with a combination of weekly calls home, individualised feedback, learning support calls, therapy sessions and welfare calls.

Each class is overseen by the class teacher. Class teams are on hand to provide support and feedback either via the Google Classroom or by telephone call whichever is most appropriate for your child and you.

How will my child be taught remotely?

We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely;

  • pre-recorded teaching videos
  • Attention Autism videos
  • storytelling sessions
  • teaching presentations prepared by teaching staff
  • worksheet activities
  • question and response activities
  • quizzes
  • access to websites and videos to support the teaching of specific subjects e.g. Times Tables Rockstars, CBBC and Oak National Academy
  • instructional videos by therapists
  • a range of sensory activities, fine motor and gross motor activities, music and movement, and sensory stories where appropriate.

How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

  • Just as in school, staff will check the engagement, response and submission of work from pupils on a daily basis and will ensure that pupils are engaging in remote learning on a regular basis.
  • The school will contact the parent/carer of a pupil who fails to engage with the remote learning offer and should the lack of engagement continue, further action may be taken by the school which may include communiation from senior leaders and in some cases, a referral to the Educational Welfare Service to report a child as missing out on education.

How will you assess my child's work and progress?

  • Feedback can take many forms for individual children.  Our approach to feeding back on pupil work is personalised. Parents and carers will be supported with practical ideas, visual support and resources as appropriate to empower them to help with learning at home
  • staff will give feedback to pupils on an individual basis
  • staff may provide a group comment or praise for completion of other learning tasks
  • staff may choose to set quizzes that can be marked automatically where this is deemed to be appropriate
  • staff will provide feedback to parents/carers via a telephone calls
  • where there are concerns that a child's learning is not reflective of their ability, the parent/carer may receive a call or email from the school office requesting a remote meeting with their child's class teacher
  • where children are unable to independently upload work to the Google classroom, parents and carers are invited to upload and provide feedback via G Classroom or school email. This can take the form of scanned work or photographs.

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

 We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home or access to devices. 

 We are able to offer the following support to these puplis:

  • loan of a school laptop or device.  Parents/carers will be expected to collect the device from the school office and will need to adhere to and sign the school's Acceptable Use of ICT Policy as well as disclaimer committing to the return of the device in the condition it was loaned in, at the end of the remote education period
  • access to data top-ups via the school office; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • printed copies of learning tasks and activities.  These will be issued at the request of the parent/carer and can be collected from the school office or posted to the home address.

Children can submit work by post, uploading work to Google Classroom, delivery to school office, digital photographs attached to emails to the school office; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Families are encouraged to view online lessons at page will explain how these work.

Google Classroom will provide daily lessons, activities and structure. Reading should take place every day. A daily routine will be helpful. 

Please also look at your child’s EHCP/PLP for steps towards targets being achieved, particularly personal targets. If your child needs to be able to tie their shoe laces, this could be practiced. Think of useful skills for your child to learn- cleaning their teeth properly, washing dishes, knowing how to use a washing machine – you will know what is appropriate for your child. Woodside staff will also provide support and guidance via Google Classroom and through discussion in regular calls home.

We understand that many parents and carers are juggling multiple demands.The suggestions above are not intended to put you as parents and carers under more pressure but to support you in your child's learning.

Oak National Academy

In addition to the home learning options listed in your child’s class , please take time to view the online lessons available from the Oak National Acadmey. Please follow the Specialist link here; where you will find a range of subjects on offer.

Those sessions which will be most beneficial for your child or young person are either  Building Understanding or Applying Knowledge sessions. We are very proud that teachers from Woodside are delivering Numeracy lessons every week on the Oak National Academy for the rest of this term.

Coping with Covid isolation - supporting children with learning disability/ASD

The following link takes you to a list of websites that will offer you support across the curriculum: 

Staying safe online

It is important that you know how to keep your child safe online.

The following organisations all give advice and offer support for families.

  • Internet matters - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
  • London Grid for Learning - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
  • Net-aware - for support for parents and careers from the NSPCC
  • Parent info - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
  • Thinkuknow - for advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online
  • UK Safer Internet Centre - advice for parents and carers 

Teachers from Woodside Academy only make direct contact with your child by online learning through the Classroom and/or by phone (with your agreement).

If you or your child are exposed to any unsuitable or worrying online content then please report issues straight away via one of the agencies below:

However, If your child is exposed to unsuitable or worrying online content from within the school website or school community then please make contact with the school office as soon as possible on 01322 350123 or by email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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