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Home Exercise Update



Home Exercise Update



Home Exercise Update



Home Exercise Update



Hello everyone


Speaking to parents this week it has been good to hear that many of you are finding ways to exercise, whether it is the Daily Mile or the morning Joe Wicks sessions or bike riding.  Whatever you are doing, if it’s working, keep going.  Did anyone try teaching anyone to ride a bike last week?


This week’s ideas


Firstly a game of Crabs and Scorpions


Secondly a game of Indoor Golf!



Exercise at Home 9th June

The Daily Mile At Home



Hello everyone,

I hope everyone had a good half term break and enjoyed the sunshine.  I hope too that making some form of exercise has been an important part of you daily routine.  Whether it’s a daily walk, the Daily Mile from home, Joe Wick’s workout on the television or something you have seen on here. 

This week’s ideas:

  1. The Daily Mile

 Look up or on Twitter

#DailyMileAtHome for weekly challenges - Daily mile week 9 Challenge.

  1. Letter box challenge – 

Letter Box

3. Personal Challenges Cricket weekThis one uses household items.

Have fun!




Hello everyone,

I hope you are staying safe but active too! 

This week’s #DailyMile@Home from home activities are:

Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th May – Draw a map of your Daily Mile route.

Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st – UN World Bee Day!  Wear black and yellow and see how many bees you can spot. 

Friday 22nd – Spread some joy – give someone a smile or wave as you pass (with parental/adult approval of course.)


Other activities this week: links included

  1. Coin toss
  2. Sporting pairs



Hello everyone

I hope you are finding this page useful.  Please contact the office if you have a student who could do with a more individually structured programme and I can then contact you.

The Daily Mile –

The most simple form of exercise you can do is walking.  The daily mile lasts for 15 minutes but this can be for longer. 

Look up or on Twitter

#DailyMileAtHome for weekly challenges

This week the challenges are:

Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th – cloud spotting, how many different clouds you can spot.

Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th – wear blue on your walk or run

Friday 15th May is International Day of Families – can you persuade other members of your household to run with you too?

Hockey and keepy-uppies!

This week I have attached two games to try at home

  1. Keepy-uppies (keeping a ball or rolled up sock in the air)
  2. Hockey – use your imagination to create a dribbling course around the home or garden.

Mrs Leadbetter



Hello everyone

I hope you are all keeping well and hopefully I can give you some weekly ideas of exercise to do to keep both mind and body active for your students and perhaps yourselves.  For me, I have a dog, so walking him is my number one form of daily exercise.  I am lucky enough to have a bike and my old Wii fit board has been dusted off! 

Stay safe – Mrs Leadbetter

The Daily Mile


Many of your students (especially those in the Primary or Key Stage 3 phases) do the Daily Mile each day. They do not physically have to run a mile but walk or run for a 15 minute duration. Now that children are at home, the Daily Mile organisers are encouraging parents to do the mile either at home, around the lounge, in the garden or on a daily walk.  They add challenges each week.  Last week it was to count NHS rainbows in windows, or measure your pulse.  This was me setting off with my dog Ziggy, we counted 186!

pic of jo

This week’s challenge is in conjunction with the recent London Marathon, do something related to the 2.6 challenge.


Use the numbers 2 and 6 to be creative.  Sprint for 26 or 62 seconds, do 26 or 62 star jumps.  Have a look on the school’s Twitter page for the link and a number of other suggestions.

Kids Circuit Session 1

Create A golf Course


Updated 28.04.2020

Daily Mile Challenge

Updated 27.04.2020

One of last week’s challenges was to count NHS rainbows in windows whilst on your allowed daily exercise. This is me starting with my dog Ziggy. 

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Somes tips for staying fit and healthy: 
  1. Do the Daily Mile each day as most of your students do in school.  This does not have to be a full mile but as far as your child can walk in 15 minutes.  This can be done on your permitted daily exercise outing or around the garden or house. 

    For more information please visit and

  2. Plan a walk.  Look at a local map and plan to walk to various places involving your student in the planning.
  3. There is a yoga app called Down dog or Yoga for Beginners which are currently free to dowload until April 1st.
  4. There are countless short fitness programmes on Youtube.  Just a few are: 5 minute moves, Brain break, Kids Workout 1 Beginners.  If you haven't used Youtube before, just type 'indoor exercise for schools or children into the search box.'  Please supervise any Youtube use carefully.  Or check out Bexley School Games on Twitter @BexSchGames for Daily updates.
  5. Free indoor games such as Simon Says, hide and seek, jumping jacks
  6. Create a mini fitness circuit.  Try to rotate between arms, legs and stomach.  For example:  press ups, star jumps, sit ups
  7. Organise a dance competition or get your children to either dance to music you put on or to make up a dance to a song.  You can join in! 
  8. Make an obstacle course around the house.  Crawling under chairs, jumping over pillows.....
  9. A treasure hunt around the house, who can find the treasure in the shortest amount of time.

Click on the links below to find other ideas for keeping fit and healthy: 

Updated 23.04.2020 -

Bexley School Games Physical Activity Plan 3 

Bat Tapping

Bexley SG Snakes and Ladders


Hands 2 Feet



Bexley School Games - Fitness Fortune Teller

Collect 3

Square Bounce

Yoga Cards


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