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Welcome to the online learning page for Science. 

Any tasks, resources or homework will be published below when they become available:


Science Class Letter

Space Themed Activity Booklet



Science week 2020

Theme: Carnival Science

For the Science week this year, I have lined up fun science activities for a whole week's worth of carnival-inspired STEM!

From amusement park games to roller-coaster-inspired builds and even some fun with making simple catapult I am providing you with a number of exciting ways to explore carnival-themed science. With each of these ideas, you can design or build something awesome that can be used as part of a homemade amusement park! 




I hope you enjoy the different activities. I am looking forward to all your wonderful designs. 

Have fun designing and creating! 


Mrs Adebisi



This term we’ll be looking at 'Spaceship Earth - Sun, moon, stars and planets’.

This astronomy unit will help you develop a new perspective on the world you are standing on. You will be given evidence that the Earth beneath our feet is actually moving through space, both spinning on its axis, and traveling in a great orbit around the Sun. You will see how these movements account for the patterns we see in our sky (the paths of our Sun across the sky, the changing seasons, and the changing constellations). Accompanying us on this journey are the Moon and planets, which you will observe, have their own patterns of movement in the sky. Throughout this investigation you will engage in actual and simulated observations of the sky, and you will engage in the process of inquiry: beginning with observations, debating a range of possible causes, and reasoning to possible conclusions.



Day, Night, & Earth's Rotation - How fast does the Earth spin?

In this activity, you will come to understand that the setting sun isn’t moving, the Earth is spinning. In the activity, Spinning Earth, you will use your bodies as a kinesthetic model of the Earth to understand how the speed of the Earth’s spin affects the length of a day.


In addition you might want to try out the following activities for the Summer season from Woodland trust:

Butterfly feeder

Butterfly identification

Minibeast identification

Please share your pictures on the usual platform.


Mrs Adebisi

Butterfly feeder for kids - Nature Detectives

Butterfly identification guide for kids – Nature Detectives

Minibeast identification guide for kids – Nature Detectives

Earth model

Sun model



  1. Having watched the videos on sources of light:
  2. Explore a range of light sources around the house e.g. torches, candles, paraffin lamp, bicycle lights, “Glo-stars”, Christmas tree lights, fibre-optic objects, indoor fireworks, OHP, microwave oven.
  3. When you go for a walk or do your daily mile, try to identify light sources.
  4. Explore shining torches through different materials e.g. fabrics, paper, liquids, plastics, own fingers. Can you see the light through them? Which materials allow light through them? Can you find out the keyword used to describe materials which let light through. Which materials do not let light through? What is the scientific word for them?
  5. Explore things you can do/not do in the dark e.g. write your name, put on socks, brush your teeth, look at a book.
  6. Did you have a go at making  the light periscope? What did you enjoy about lt? What were the challenges you faced?

Now here are new projects for you to try;

  1. make your own lighthouse

  1. Watch the video about the human eye and how it works.

Then make a model human eye, follow the link below or find alternative methods from the internet. Find out the name of the outside features of the human eye.

  1. Seeing in the dark - reflective materials

  1. The use of reflective materials for safety.

  1. Application: What should cyclists wear at night? Test different materials (old socks, rain jacket, vests, coats, night time clothing, mirrors, street signs, bicycle reflectors, Christmas decorations, ….. to find out which can be easily seen in the dark.
    1. Then design a high-visibility cycling outfit for cyclists in your area.
    2. Evaluate your design:
    3.       What material is your outfit made from?
    4.       What properties does the material have?
    5.       What colour is your outfit?
    6.       Is the material rough or smooth?

You can share your work with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on the woodside twitter page.


 Updated 29.04.2020


Please click on the following link for further ideas and experiments:  

Science meets art for steam

8 simple science experiments to do at home

63 easy science experiments for kids using household stuff

Science activities for kids Happy Hooligans


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