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Support available at Woodside

We offer a listening ear to parents via the staff team and more specifically via the Pastoral Support Officer who is able to sign-post parents and carers to other sources of help. We encourage parents and carers to share any worries or concerns that they may have at the earliest opportunity so that, together, we can improve the situation for the child in question.

Woodside commissions additional support in the form of a social worker through the L.B. BExley Early intervention team. The social wokrer is specifically deployed to parents and carers.

Throughout the year, we run a series of workshops tailored to the needs and want of parents and carers within our community. SOmetmes these are led by school staff and sometimes, by therapists and other experts.


Bexley Information Advice Support​ Service

BIASS offers honest, fair and clear information to parents and carers of children & young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).  They will explain what you need to know about your rights and what help and support you can get.

Bexley Family Information Directory

BFID provides information on services for children and young people from the age of 0 to 19 years. 

Bexley Snap

Bexley SNAP was formed in 1994 by a group of parents who got together to support one another and other local families in the same situation. Since then SNAP has grown to be a recognised parent-led support agency for families of disabled children and young people in Bexley, and provides a wide range of services to both children and their parents and carers. SNAP stands for Special Needs Access to Provision. SNAP aims to ensure that the 1700 or so disabled young people in the borough have the same opportunities as everyone else. Members share information, provide support and advice, organise social events where families can get together, and campaign to make the rest of the community more aware of the additional needs of disabled young people.

Bexley Voice

Bexley Voice are a group of voluntary parents/carers of children with disabilities, special or additional needs.

The ages of the children and young people represented are between 0-21. Bexley Voice represents families by providing a "voice" to express their views and opinions. 

Bexley NAS

Bexley NAS are a parent led voluntary group, all of whom are the parents or carers of children who are on the Autstic Spectrum. They offer a variety of social and leisure activities for children on the autism spectrum and their families living within Bexley Borough.

Children with Disabilities Service

The CwD Service are responsible for the assessment of children with severe and profound disabilities up to the age of 18 and the provision of information and the packages of support to meet their assessed needs.  The team comprises of social workers, social work assistants and an Occupational Therapist and provides services to children aged 0-18 who are able to be registered as children with disabilities under categories detailed on their website.  

Help if you have a disabled child Help if you have a disabled child

Your local council can provide help if you have a disabled child, including:

  • short break services
  • holiday play schemes
  • care at home
  • some aids and adaptations
  • financial help, eg money towards travel costs for hospital visits

Your council has a duty to provide these services under the Children Act 1989. Some are free of charge - the council might ask you to contribute towards others.

If you think your child may qualify, contact the social services team at your local council

Staying Safe Online

Staying Safe Online is an important part of keeping children safe at Woodside Academy. We have extensive security measures in place, which are monitored both internally and externally, to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material.

 We are a Young Minds Hero!

Young Minds Trust Leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. We’re here to make sure children and young people get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s difficulties.  

Further Information



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