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Admission Information

Our school caters for autistic pupils from the ages of 4 – 19.  The majority of pupils have a degree of learning difficulty and function within the moderate learning difficulties range which lies considerably below age-related expectations. We have a bespoke, personalised and ambitious curriculum which is tailored to meet our pupils’ very specific needs and ensure that they are able to make the best progress towards their EHCP outcomes, academic targets and in their personal development.

Autism covers a wide spectrum in terms of individual communication, social and learning needs. Our provision complements the other support that is available within the London Borough of Bexley. This includes 'Resourced Provisions' attached to mainstream schools and other specialist settings.

We pay great attention to the views of parents and carers, where possible the pupil themselves, and the advice provided by professionals who know and have assessed the level of need.

Summer born children- the evidence for children with complex needs is that the sooner they are in school, with multi professional input and support, the better. At Woodside we will not place a child out of year group as the highly personalised nature of the curriculum and our specialist approach mean that needs can be met within the appropriate age group. Decisions will be made on a case by case basis, in line with current legislation and guidance on ‘deferred entry under summer born criteria’, unless stated in the child’s EHCP that the child will be educated out of year group.

The Local Authority is responsible for making decisions regarding placements at Woodside Academy. 

We are providing insight into Woodside Academy via the virtual tour which can be found on the home page.

Information about the Local Authority's SEN admissions can be found here.  For information on Post 16, please contact the school directly.

Current tour dates information

Classes for the 2023-2024 cohort are now full.

We are currently working to confirm tour dates for the 2024/2025 academic year. Please re-visit this page in July when further information will be available.

If your child is currently in Year 5 and you are making a decision about secondary transfer, please contact the school This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for information about tour dates in July 2024.

In the meantime, a virtual tour of the school can be viewed on our Home page.





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