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Learning at Woodside

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At Woodside we ensure that all children are safe and are heard. Through a curriculum which is ambitious and personalised, promotes a love of learning and reading, we ensure that children and young people are excellently prepared for the next stage of their life and education.

Together with parents and carers, we equip our learners with resilience, independence and creativity, alongside appropriate academic qualifications and life skills, which will open doors for them in the future. We develop a deep knowledge of each child so that we can understand them and set up the correct approach and environment for them to progress and grow on their journey through the school and beyond. 

For each individual and from whatever their start point, we build their knowledge, and enhance life- and learning skills, so that they can experience success and achievement. We actively focus on possibilities rather than limits. We adapt and personalise our offer to meet children’s needs with the expectation that they can make sound and sustained progress towards their academic, personal development and EHCP outcomes. We work in close partnership with parents and carers and a range of external professionals including Speech and Language therapists, Occupational therapists, Educational Psychologists, SEMH advisors.

We implement our curriculum through a range of mechanisms including :

  • The Early Years Framework
  • The Engagement Model (where appropriate)
  • The National Curriculum (with greater emphasis on core subjects for Woodside to include RSHE, Communication and Life Skills
  • The Woodside curriculum which maps out opportunities to build skills and knowledge as an individual moves through the school
  • Individual personalised learning plans, ( PLP)- which identify each child’s next steps towards their EHCP and academic targets
  • Individual wellbeing plans, to promote children’s personal development and awareness, and to ensure that staff provide the best responses and environment for each child.
  • Accreditation and qualification opportunities which are reviewed every year to facilitate personal preference.
  • In EYFS-KS2, some children take statutory assessments as appropriate

We operate an EYFS or primary model, dependant on individual and class needs, from Reception through to Year 9 where class groups are taught the majority of their lessons with a named class teacher. 

Once children reach Y10, a tutor group model is introduced and children are taught by a range of specialist teachers to work towards their qualifications.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through a variety of means and at different times throughout the academic year. Pupil progress meetings are regularly held between the teacher and leadership team. Here we consider the whole child, their progress, any barriers we need to address and next steps towards personal and academic targets. Parents and carers are encouraged to attend the progress review days and to contribute to personalisation of learning and target setting for their child.

Assessment and Reporting


EHCP progress 

Academic progress*

Personal development**


Annual Review PLPs, Wellbeing plans

EYFS framework

Annual Review


EYFS Profile

PLPs, Wellbeing plans


Annual Review PLPs, Wellbeing plans


Phonics Screening Check *

SATs *

PLPs, Wellbeing plans


Annual Review PLPs, Wellbeing plans


Multiplication Tables Check *

SATs *

PLPs, Wellbeing plans


Annual Review PLPs, Wellbeing plans


PLPs, Wellbeing plans


Annual Review PLPs, Wellbeing plans

Qualifications criteria, PLPs

PLPs, Wellbeing plans

P16 ( KS5)

Annual Review PLPs, Wellbeing plans

Qualifications criteria and PLPs

PLPs, Wellbeing plans

* Statutory requirements (where individually appropriate)

** We have a system in place to capture development and progress in individual behaviour and attitudes. 

Annual reports are shared with parents and carers in the summer term.



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