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Our curriculum enables the children and young people to develop academic and lifelong learning skills which empower and engage them to drive forwards into employment or future study or training. It is designed to be ambitious, personalised and to promote a love of learning and reading. We are building a community of learners, fully inclusive of the most disadvantaged, who are resilient, independent, creative and kind. The curriculum is broad, balanced and progressive. It builds on knowledge, understanding and skills from individual start points as children progress through the school. The child-centred curriculum is bespoke and is always under review to ensure suitability and ambition.

Learners study a broad curriculum based on the National Curriculum, enriched with Woodside’s bespoke curriculum to provide context and develop both personal and life skills and understanding. There is particular emphasis on communication, reading,  RSHE, and personal development. A full range of subjects is taught, with specialisms being introduced in KS4 which are matched to reflect cohort interests and strengths.

In Early Years-KS1 we follow the Early Years curriculum that focuses on the 7 areas of learning. Communication Language and Literacy ( CLL), Mathematics, Physical Development (PD), Interactions, Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Expressive Arts and Design (EAD), Understanding the World (UTW)

From KS2-3, children follow one of two curricula and assessment routes; The Discovery Line and the Explorer Line.

Discovery Line subject areas: Communication Language and Literacy ( CLL), Mathematics, Physical Development (PD), Interactions, Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Expressive Arts and Design (EAD), Understanding the World (UTW)

Explorer line subjects: English (Communication, Language and Literacy), Maths (Numeracy), Relationships, Social and Health (including sex-) Education (RSHE), Personal Development and Wellbeing, Science, RE 

These are enriched by the following learning areas as appropriate across the school; Creative and Performing Arts, Geography, History, PE, Computing Food Tech, Futures and the World of Work.

At KS4 and Post 16 , young people in both the Discovery and Explorer routes pursue qualifications in English, Maths, Science, Digital skills. Vocational options reflect student preference, ability and developmental stage. Vocational options currently include; Construction, Independent Living skills, Art and Design, Catering and Hospitality.

Work Experience and Creative carousels have been introduced across KS4 -5 to further broaden children’s experiences, knowledge and skills in preparation for adulthood.

In P16, young people continue to study English, Maths and Science alongside their vocational qualification and focus on developing greater confidence and independence in readiness for life after school.

Special arts weeks and themed days further enrich and broaden our offer, providing opportunities to try something new and develop new skills and interests.  Practical, artistic, technical, physical, creative and therapeutic opportunities and support all contribute to the whole. Themes have been chosen to be accessible, relevant to all and rich in cultural opportunities flavoured with a range of other languages. Each of the half termly themes run throughout the school, providing commonality across all phases.  The progression of skills within each theme is designed to be spiral, with children given opportunity to revisit and build upon prior learning. This also enables children who are working at a different level to their peers to easily access work at the level correct for them- dipping into the work being undertaken in a neighbouring phase as appropriate, but still sharing the same overarching theme.

The curriculum meets the needs of all learners and is adapted to match changes in cohort need and complexity, year-on-year. WIthin their phase, children are grouped by stage not age.

So that children can accumulate knowledge and skills as they move through the school, the curriculum is sequentially planned to be progressive. 

 Click on the links below to view our Curriculum by phase.


Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 - 2023-24

Key Stage 2 - 2023-24

Key Stage 3 2023-24

Key Stage 4 2023-24



Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 - 2022-2023

Key Stage 2 - 2022-2023

Key Stage 3 - 2022-2023

Key Stage 4 - 2022-2023

Key Stage 5 - 2022-2023

Our Assessment Policy can be viewed here

Our Curriculum Policy can be viewed here




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