
Here are some recipes to try at home: 


Chicken and Broccoli Pasta Bake



Caesar Salad and Coleslaw Recipes



Sausage rolls and Croissant Recipes



Apple Crumble and Pizza Pinwheels Recipes



Potatoe Salad

Rainbow Cakes



Chocolate chip cookies

75g margarine

75g caster sugar

1 egg

Teaspoon vanilla essence

150g self raising flour

Cream margarine and sugar

Add beaten egg and essence a bit at a time

Fold in flour and chocolate chips

Put 10 spoonfuls on baking tray and bake for 10 to 12 minutes 180° gas 4


Pizza wraps

1 tortilla wrap

Pasta sauce (ie dolmio)

Grated cheese

Toppings ie pepper mushroom onion sweetcorn ham pineapple pepperoni

Put sauce on wrap

Add chopped up toppings

top with grated cheese.  Heat in oven for 5 to 10 minutes to melt cheese. 180° gas 4


Microwave omelette

2 eggs

Grated cheese

Spring onion tomato sweetcorn ham (optional)


Grease bowl

Crack eggs into bowl and beat

Add cheese and fillings (any of your choice)

Microwave on full for 1 minute. Stir. Microwave for a further 1 minute until egg is cooked and not runny.


Chocolate krispie cakes

50g rice krispies or cornflakes

100g mil or white chocalate

10 cakes Cases

Melt chocalate

Add cereal

Put in cases and chill

You can add mini marshmallows dried fruit glace cherries if you want.


Here are some recipes to try at home: 

Easter nests: 

2 Shredded Wheats

100g chocolate

2 or 3 mini eggs

Break up Shredded wheat, melt chocolate, mix together and put into 8 to 10 cake cases. Decorate with mini eggs. 

Marmite pin wheels

Ready rolled puff pastry


Grated cheese

Mix marmite with a little water, spread over pastry, sprinkle with grated cheese, roll up to make a sausage and cut into circles. Cook in the oven for 10 to 15 mintues on 200 degrees or gas mark 6. 

Mug cakes

4 tablespoons self raising flour

4 tablespoons sugar

2 tablespoons cocoa powder

1 egg

3 tablespoons milk

3 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 teaspoon vanilla essence 

Mix all ingredients together. Half fill a mug with mixture and microwave on full power for 2 minutes. You can swap the vanilla essence for orange or mint.  Makes 6 mugs.


Simple biscuits

50g sugar

100g margarine

150g self raising

Cream sugar and margarine

Mix in flour and squeeze together to make dough

Break into 12 balls and flatten

Bake for 10 minutes in oven 180° Gas 4


Pitta bread pizza

1 pitta bread

Tomato puree or pasta sauce (dolmio)

Toppings (eg pepper onion mushroom sweetcorn pepperoni ham)

Grated cheese

Put tomato puree on pitta bread

Chop toppings and put on pitta bread

Top with grated cheese

Grill until cheese melts or cook in oven 180° gas 4 for 10 minutes.

Welcome to the online learning page for Art.

Any tasks, resources or homework will be published below when they become available:


Dear All

I hope you are well and happy. Mrs Sullivan and I hope you have had a good weekend and were able to get outside or enjoy time with your families, in the sun. It is the last week of term and you will soon be enjoying the summer holidays.

Last week I introduced the Harry Potter competition where you were to design your very own Hogwarts, send photos of your designs and hopefully make these in 3D. So far, I have only seen one set of drawings! If you haven’t already please, start the project. I look forward to seeing your designs. Be wacky and imaginative and have fun with your design. There will be prizes!  Mrs Sullivan and I will be giving awards and prizes for the best designs, ideas and models.

 harry potter

Please ask your adults to contact school if you are unsure and we will be happy to call you and talk you through what you need to do.

Please go to this website


  1. Download full collection
  2. Make a cardboard castle shape and then make it into a Harry Potter inspired Hogwarts of your own design. Be imaginative and make it as original as possible. The instructions for the 3D work are step-by-step to make it easier for you. You can then add your own ideas for a new Hogwarts School building.

 Do not forget – we will give prizes for the best design and the best model.

Please send a photo of your completed work to the school office. Good luck

Mrs Nehra and Mrs Sullivan



KS4 Maths



Access Art



Class Letter



Class Letter



Class Letter - First Assignment

Second Assignment



Letter and Maths Work from Mrs Holman



Dear All

I hope you are well and happy. Mrs Sullivan and I enjoy hearing your voices and stories of how you are doing during this weird time. We hope you are enjoying being with your special people and the work me and Mrs Sullivan are producing for you. We will continue to call you every week, however, if you are unsure about any work we have set please ask your adults to contact school and we will be happy to call you and talk you through what you need to do. Mrs Sullivan and I have arranged for a pack of work to be sent to you which covers your Art, Creative English and Beliefs and Values, lessons. You should receive these soon.

The website lesson this week will help you refine your skills but also remind you about what we learnt about Andy Goldsworthy, this year.


Mrs Nehra and Mrs Sullivan

Please go to this website


  • click on classrooms
  • then specialist
  • creative art
  • applying
  • wildlife art
  • find in nature to make a beautiful landscape picture

If you follow the video it will tell you what to do.

If you need any resources, please let me know.

Good luck

Mrs Nehra



Dear All

I hope you are well and happy. We all miss seeing you at school, but I hope you are enjoying being with your special people and the work me and Mrs Sullivan are producing for you. I will continue to call you every week, however, if you are unsure about any work we have set please ask your adults to contact school and I will be happy to call you and talk you through what you need to do. I have arranged for a pack of work to be sent to you which covers your Art, Creative English and Beliefs and Values, lessons. You should receive these soon.

The website lesson this week will help you refine your skills but also remind you about what we learnt about Andy Goldsworthy, this year.


Mrs Nehra and Mrs Sullivan

Please go to this website


  • click on classrooms
  • then specialist
  • creative art
  • building understanding
  • nature
  • Andy Goldsworthy – hanging trees

If you follow the video it will tell you what to do.

Create a piece of friendship art.

If you need any resources, please let me know.

Good luck

Mrs Nehra



Dear All

I hope you are well and happy. We all miss seeing you at school, but I hope you are enjoying the sun and the work we are producing for you. I will continue to call you every week, however, if you are unsure about any work we have set please ask your adults to contact school and I will be happy to call you and talk you through what you need to do. I have arranged for a pack of work to be sent to you which covers your art, Creative English and Beliefs and Values, lessons.

Good luck.

Please go to this website


  • click on classrooms
  • then specialist
  • creative art
  • applying and learning
  • friendship art

If you follow the video it will tell you what to do.

Create a piece of friendship art.

If you need any resources, please let me know.

Good luck

Mrs Nehra



Hi All

I hope you are all well. I really enjoyed talking to you all this week and catching up on your news. I am so happy you are able to get some work done. Please concentrate on the Beliefs and Values – Inspirational people work as this is coursework and completing it will help you get ahead when we return to school. If you do a little a day you will have gone a long way to get this piece of work done ready for year 11/ Post 16.

Please continue with any Ramadan art projects.


Sadaqah Jar

Ramdan lattern

Keep well. I will call you all again soon. Mrs Sullivan sends you her best wishes.

Mrs Nehra




Letter from Mrs Holman

Leap Year Maths EL2 and EL3

Level 1 Time Plans

 FS1 Time Questions





Hi All

I hope you are all well. I really enjoyed talking to those of you that were awake this week. I am so happy you are able to get some work done. Please concentrate on the Beliefs and Values – Inspirational people work as this is coursework and completing it will help you get ahead when we return to school.

You may be aware that it is Ramadan. I have added some fun, art activities you might enjoy which will give a break from completing written, more challenging tasks.

Keep well. I will call you all on Monday. Mrs Sullivan sends you her best wishes.

Mrs Nehra


Sadaqah Jar

Ramdan lattern



Hi All

I hope you are all well and happy. The project bellow will take at least 10 hours and it will be evidence of 1 unit for your Beliefs and Values course. I will give you some research and hope you all have access to the internet. We will cover your inspirational persons religious beliefs when you return to school.  If not please let school know and I will collect some extra resources for you.

  1. Research or read my research about the people below. Choose your favourite and do the work below. When we return to school we will make a group art piece about these people.
  2. Create a project on one of the following Inspirational people.
  • Martin Luther King
  • Rosa Parks
  • The Civil Rights Movement
  • Malala
  • Harriet Tubman
  • Gandhi
  • Harriet Tubman
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Mother Teresa

Your project should include a little of:

  • Their life stories
  • What they did?
  • Why they did it? Was there any events in their life that made them do what they did?
  • Why they inspire you?

Good luck. If you have any problems, ask your parents/carers to contact school and I will call you.

Good luck

Mrs Nehra

Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Jr Knowledge Organiser

Rosa Parks

My Hero Malala Yousafzai Differentiated Factfile

Harriet Tubman Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

Mother Teresa 2015



English Work Pack



Seeing Other People Wearing Masks


Project for Art

Fashion Designer


Fashion Drawings 2




Printable Rainbow Certificate


New Resources, Updated 22.04.2020:
CV Worksheet

Example CV

Harry Potter New - 2

MANGA Home Work

Manga How to draw the characters

Please refer to the following document for work on your art and arts award: 

Art and Arts Award

Please also refer to the following links for other areas of work: 

Activity sheet sun safety design PSE

Asdan English Unit 6

Crest template creative English

Diagon Alley Harry Potter

Resource 6 - Diagon Alley Harry Potter

Healthy Relationships RSE

PSE Food - how healthy is my diet?

Stewardship RS


Further resources added week beginning Monday 30 March: 

Harry Potter - new resources 30.03.2020

Harry Potter - wizarding money 30.03.2020


Mac coffee logo

Thank you to everyone who visited our coffee morning this week. We had a great turn out and look forward to seeing you all on the 12th November #coffeemorning 🍰☕️ #bexley #timetotalk.


healthy Schools   HSL skyline screen    award bronze.png    Music Mark logo proudtobe right all black RGB   EarlyBird Teen Life Licensed Logo CMYK 1  Am Schl Slvr RGB London SE CU logo high res.   dog mentoring    LW LS Accredited Logo HOR