

English Class Update Letter

Summer Fun Puzzle Pack



English Lesson Update



Dear Pupils, Parents and Carers,

I hope that you have all had a good week.

I am sure you have been working hard on your English packs, but if you would like something different to do, you might like to listen to some of these poems.

Thank you all for your hard work.

Mrs Childs



Lots of you will remember Michael’s poem Chocolate Cake.  There are lots more to explore on his YouTube channel:  Kids’ Poems and Stories with Michael Rosen.  Why not take a look?

If you like transport, I would encourage you to look at the London Airport Compilation, where he talks about visiting Heathrow and going on buses.  It made me giggle out loud.

If you would like to know more about Michael Rosen, you could check out his website too:

You could try writing a funny poem of your own!




Dear Students,

I hope you are all doing well.  I also hope that you are enjoying the English work that has been sent home to you in the work-packs.

Thank you all for working so hard at home.

Mrs Childs


Here are some web links you might find interesting:

  1. I know that many of you enjoyed the origami work that was sent out. Here are two YouTube tutorials.  Remember that you need SQUARE paper to start with!
  • How to make a butterfly

pic one

  • How to make a jumping frog

pic two

  1. A while ago, you had a pack that was all about the rainforests. Here is an online quiz which tests your knowledge about rainforests.  You can remind yourself of the facts by clicking on a link in the page first!

pic three

  1. If you are running out of things to read this is a really good website, with free books to read online. 

Scroll down the page until you find the ‘Books for older children’ section.

pic tfour



The below two links, are free Oxford online reading resources. Just sign up for free and read books on your phone or tablet.


Updated 21.04.2020

Here are some booklets which are themed around tropical rainforests.    There are three different levels.  Most will be able to do the one which is labelled ‘middle range.’  If anyone finds it too easy, try the one titled, ‘more of a challenge.’  If these are too difficult, please use the one titled: ‘straightforward.’

I hope everyone enjoys learning about the rainforest and I would like to  thank you all for your hard work.

Mrs Childs

English Rainforest Project Straightforward

English Rainforest Project Middle Range

English Rainforest Project More of a Challenge


Students in years 10 and 11 were given one of the booklets below to take home before the school temporarily closed.  I hope that they are enjoying working through them.  These booklets might also be useful for students in other classes.  Why not have a look inside and see if there are any activities that you would like to do.  Each booklet also has a page which lists some interesting English learning websites. - 2.4.2020

Work booklet to do at home (functional skills) 2.4.2020

Work booklet to do at home (ASDAN) 2.4.2020

Thinking Skills Activities

Daily spelling lesson

Ideas for Literacy activities - no computer required - 01.04.2020

We hope that you will find the following links and information useful: 


We are now also aiming to upload requested Signalong sign videos to the school website in order to support the use of signs alongside language both at school and at home.  Please click this link to view the signs we have already uploaded:


Sign Along Videos


If you do have any particular sign requests or if you would like to attend a parent/carer signing workshop please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Please note I am due to go on maternity leave on Thursday 23rd July 2020 and will return in May 2021.  We will update the website soon with contact details to be used during this time. 



Speech and Language Therapy support at home

Updated 21.04.2020

The Speech and Language Therapy Team at Woodside have put together some ideas to try during this time at home.  We will continue to update this page with extra strategies and resources so please come back and check again.

Visual supports

At this time, when usual routines and structures have changed, visual supports can help to provide structure and routine, encourage independence and help to reduce anxiety. We have put together some examples and advice sheets below:

21.04.2020 Visual Timetable advice sheet

21.04.2020 Visual Support - timetable symbols

21.04.2020 Visual Support - timetable template

21.04.2020 Morning Routine Timetable advice sheet

21.04.2020 Visual Support - Morning Routine

The timetable symbols can also be used as part of a ‘Now and Next’ Board:

21.04.2020 Now and Next advice sheet

21.04.2020 Now and Next Board

We have also made a song choice board that could be used when washing hands. There is one board with nursery rhymes on and a blank one for you to add your own songs on to as nursery rhymes won’t be for everyone! You don’t need to use symbols; you or your child could draw the pictures of short songs or the chorus to a song they like.

21.04.2020 Hand Washing - song choice board

The National Autistic Society provide more information on ways visual supports can be used:

Widgit is the symbol software we use at school. They are currently offering one month free if you would like to create some of your own symbols: and use the code: WIDGIT30

Widgit have also made some ready to print symbols to help support understanding and communication around Coronavirus:

Aided Language Boards

Aided language boards allow visual language to be displayed alongside verbal language.  This consistent use of picture information alongside verbal can allow children with ASD/language needs to use their visual strengths to support their use of language.  Please see the attached ‘Introduction to Aided Language Boards’ sheet for further detail. We have created an ‘Arts and Crafts’ board which could be used within art activities at home. As well as a ‘Pop-Up Pirates’ and ‘Guess Who’ board to use if you play these games at home. Along with the ‘Guess Who’ board, there is a pack of question cards to help players think of a question to ask if this is something they find a bit tricky.

21.04.2020 Introduction to Aided Language Boards

21.04.2020 Aided Language Board - Arts and Crafts

21.04.2020 Aided Language Board - Pop Up Pirate

21.04.2020 Aided Language Board - Guess Who

21.04.2020 Guess Who - visual question cards

Attention Autism

Try out running an Attention Autism session with your child/family

Please see attached the short guide to all 4 stages of the Attention Autism Approach.

21.04.2020 Attention Autism information sheet

Find some virtual Attention Autism videos, strategies and ideas by Gina Davies, who created the approach at her Facebook site:  ‘Gina Davies Autism Centre’.

Lego ‘Six Bricks’ Resource

Lego have made a fun hands-on tool full of short activities.  Children can practice different language skills whilst they play, for example: using different describing words and giving instructions. It also provides an opportunity to work on social skills when working together – sharing materials and taking turns.

Word Finding Difficulties:

Children with word finding difficulties have knowledge of the words they want to say but have difficulties accessing them from memory. We have all experienced that “tip of the tongue moment” when you know the word you want but can’t quite reach it.  Please see the attached sheet for some strategies and activities to help your child when they are having difficulties thinking of their word.

21.04.2020 Word Finding advice sheet

Suggested Apps to use at home

Please see the attached ‘Suggested Apps’ document for some options of Apps to download and try with your child to support their Speech and Language development. Next to each app is a short description to help you choose which to try out.

21.04.2020 Speech and Language Therapy - suggested apps


Signalong is the key word signing system we use at school. It is always used with spoken language and helps to give children and young people visual clues to support their understanding of speech. It works alongside all the other clues we use when communicating, such as facial expression, tone of voice and natural gestures. Signalong have some free resources on their website, including posters for ‘People Who Can Help’ and ‘Get Moving’ sports signs.

They also have a discussion picture: At Breakfast. ‘At Breakfast’ is a picture scene with 12 signs attached to it. This resource can be used to introduce the signs in context and promote social awareness e.g. talking about what we have for breakfast, sharing what we like to eat, if it is the same or different as the people in the pictures etc.

The Bexley Early Autism Services (BEAS) Team strategies and activities

The BEAS Team provide support for young children recognised to be on the Autism Specturm. They have developed the below booklets with strategies and ideas for simple structured tasks, visual supports and activities:

21.04.2020 'BEAS' EYFS handout

21.04.2020 'BEAS' advice

Signposting to other Speech and Language Resources

Speech and Language Therapy Services around the country are posting a variety of useful online resources and activities for home, for both younger and older children:

Worcester Health and Care NHS Trust:

The Leeds Toolkit:

The Leeds Toolkit contains some lovely resources for social skills and interaction for older children, as well as a range of other activities for all ages.

Resources and strategies to help children to understand Coronavirus and social distancing:

Social distancing social story:

21.04.2020 My Social Distancing Story - Covid 19

PrAACtical AAC share many free downloadable resources and visual supports they have found, including:

A visual hand washing sequence:

An aided language board: ‘Covid 19 – chat board’:

Please contact us if you would like any further information or to discuss your child's communication skills  - please call the Single Point of Access (SPA), Specialist Children's Service,  on  Tel: 0203 004 0092 or Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

With best wishes,

The Speech and Language Therapy Team

Proprioceptive Sensory Learning Activities


Home Exercise Update



Home Exercise Update



Home Exercise Update



Home Exercise Update



Hello everyone


Speaking to parents this week it has been good to hear that many of you are finding ways to exercise, whether it is the Daily Mile or the morning Joe Wicks sessions or bike riding.  Whatever you are doing, if it’s working, keep going.  Did anyone try teaching anyone to ride a bike last week?


This week’s ideas


Firstly a game of Crabs and Scorpions


Secondly a game of Indoor Golf!



Exercise at Home 9th June

The Daily Mile At Home



Hello everyone,

I hope everyone had a good half term break and enjoyed the sunshine.  I hope too that making some form of exercise has been an important part of you daily routine.  Whether it’s a daily walk, the Daily Mile from home, Joe Wick’s workout on the television or something you have seen on here. 

This week’s ideas:

  1. The Daily Mile

 Look up or on Twitter

#DailyMileAtHome for weekly challenges - Daily mile week 9 Challenge.

  1. Letter box challenge – 

Letter Box

3. Personal Challenges Cricket weekThis one uses household items.

Have fun!




Hello everyone,

I hope you are staying safe but active too! 

This week’s #DailyMile@Home from home activities are:

Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th May – Draw a map of your Daily Mile route.

Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st – UN World Bee Day!  Wear black and yellow and see how many bees you can spot. 

Friday 22nd – Spread some joy – give someone a smile or wave as you pass (with parental/adult approval of course.)


Other activities this week: links included

  1. Coin toss
  2. Sporting pairs



Hello everyone

I hope you are finding this page useful.  Please contact the office if you have a student who could do with a more individually structured programme and I can then contact you.

The Daily Mile –

The most simple form of exercise you can do is walking.  The daily mile lasts for 15 minutes but this can be for longer. 

Look up or on Twitter

#DailyMileAtHome for weekly challenges

This week the challenges are:

Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th – cloud spotting, how many different clouds you can spot.

Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th – wear blue on your walk or run

Friday 15th May is International Day of Families – can you persuade other members of your household to run with you too?

Hockey and keepy-uppies!

This week I have attached two games to try at home

  1. Keepy-uppies (keeping a ball or rolled up sock in the air)
  2. Hockey – use your imagination to create a dribbling course around the home or garden.

Mrs Leadbetter



Hello everyone

I hope you are all keeping well and hopefully I can give you some weekly ideas of exercise to do to keep both mind and body active for your students and perhaps yourselves.  For me, I have a dog, so walking him is my number one form of daily exercise.  I am lucky enough to have a bike and my old Wii fit board has been dusted off! 

Stay safe – Mrs Leadbetter

The Daily Mile


Many of your students (especially those in the Primary or Key Stage 3 phases) do the Daily Mile each day. They do not physically have to run a mile but walk or run for a 15 minute duration. Now that children are at home, the Daily Mile organisers are encouraging parents to do the mile either at home, around the lounge, in the garden or on a daily walk.  They add challenges each week.  Last week it was to count NHS rainbows in windows, or measure your pulse.  This was me setting off with my dog Ziggy, we counted 186!

pic of jo

This week’s challenge is in conjunction with the recent London Marathon, do something related to the 2.6 challenge.


Use the numbers 2 and 6 to be creative.  Sprint for 26 or 62 seconds, do 26 or 62 star jumps.  Have a look on the school’s Twitter page for the link and a number of other suggestions.

Kids Circuit Session 1

Create A golf Course


Updated 28.04.2020

Daily Mile Challenge

Updated 27.04.2020

One of last week’s challenges was to count NHS rainbows in windows whilst on your allowed daily exercise. This is me starting with my dog Ziggy. 

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Somes tips for staying fit and healthy: 
  1. Do the Daily Mile each day as most of your students do in school.  This does not have to be a full mile but as far as your child can walk in 15 minutes.  This can be done on your permitted daily exercise outing or around the garden or house. 

    For more information please visit and

  2. Plan a walk.  Look at a local map and plan to walk to various places involving your student in the planning.
  3. There is a yoga app called Down dog or Yoga for Beginners which are currently free to dowload until April 1st.
  4. There are countless short fitness programmes on Youtube.  Just a few are: 5 minute moves, Brain break, Kids Workout 1 Beginners.  If you haven't used Youtube before, just type 'indoor exercise for schools or children into the search box.'  Please supervise any Youtube use carefully.  Or check out Bexley School Games on Twitter @BexSchGames for Daily updates.
  5. Free indoor games such as Simon Says, hide and seek, jumping jacks
  6. Create a mini fitness circuit.  Try to rotate between arms, legs and stomach.  For example:  press ups, star jumps, sit ups
  7. Organise a dance competition or get your children to either dance to music you put on or to make up a dance to a song.  You can join in! 
  8. Make an obstacle course around the house.  Crawling under chairs, jumping over pillows.....
  9. A treasure hunt around the house, who can find the treasure in the shortest amount of time.

Click on the links below to find other ideas for keeping fit and healthy: 

Updated 23.04.2020 -

Bexley School Games Physical Activity Plan 3 

Bat Tapping

Bexley SG Snakes and Ladders


Hands 2 Feet



Bexley School Games - Fitness Fortune Teller

Collect 3

Square Bounce

Yoga Cards

Many museums and art galleries have ‘opened’ up. You can explore them and ‘walk’ around to look at the exhibits. Lots have also provided lessons, videos and activities for children and families to take part in.

Museums include the Natural History Museum - plenty of dinosaurs!

The art galleries have lots of information and ideas, showing a really wide range - old masters to street art in Delhi.

You can ‘visit’ famous landmarks and sports grounds around the world.

It is a vast site, so have a good look around. See what unusual things you can find.

Click here to visit the site.

This site is a treasure trove of thousands of ideas and activities, games and ideas. It usually costs to access, but they have kindly made it free for everyone.

Please remember to choose tasks which will help your child to achieve their own targets- do not follow the age guidance on the website, as your child may well be working at a different level.

It is much more useful for you and your child to consolidate what they already know and then take small steps forward. In school, we make sure children are really secure and confident before we move on to the next steps.



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